Internet project
Rasa Smite, Raitis Smits in collaboration with Janis Garancs
Xchange is a pioneering streaming audio and sound art project on the Internet. It was launched in 1997 by Riga based artists group E-LAB (Rasa Smite, Raitis Smits, Jaanis Garancs) in collaboration with various other emerging net.radio initiatives from all over the world. The intent was to create a network for alternative net audio content providers and a collaborative platform for creative explorations with real-time sound and live streaming possibilities on the Internet.
Xchange reached its' highest activity in 1998 and 1999, when the most active co-broadcasting experiments took place (creating live stream loops from 3 and more net-casters from different locations in the world, on a bases of E-LAB's Riga net.radio OZONE), as well as various net.radio events were organised on-site and online during the media festivals through the Europe.
The archived version of Xchange website represents mainly its' most active time period, i.e. from 1997 – 2007. Main menu contains the following links:
INFO – introduction to Xchange project and its conceptual framework;
MAILINGLIST ARCHIVE – structured collection of emails from 1997 to 2007.
AUDIO ARCHIVE – selected net radio sessions divided in 4 categories: X-Open Channel (collaborative streaming experiments); Live Streaming from Events; Mobile Streaming (lifestreams using mobile technologies); Net Radio Events (International streaming media events)
NET.RADIO LINKS – links and descriptions about pioneering artistic net.radio projects in 90ties
Credits: Project idea and execution: Rasa Smite, Raitis Smits.
Xchange website and mailinglist is maintained by RIXC (former E-LAB).
Website design and programming: Raitis Smits (1997-2009). Graphic design elements and programming: Jaanis Garancs. Graphic design elements: Martins Ratniks.
Text editors: Rasa Smite, Daina Silina.
Content contributors: international net.radio participants of Xchange network.
Ars Electronica Prix, Award of Distinction (Net category), Linz, Austria, 1998
Save As, kim?, Riga, Latvia, October – November 2013
We Are On The Net. net.art.lv, kim?, Riga, Latvia, November – December 2010
E-Culture Fair, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 2000
Net.Congestion, De Balie, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 2000
Net_Condition, ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany, October 1999
Ars Electronica Festival, Linz, Austria, September 1999
Ars Electronica Festival, Linz, Austria, September 1998
Work included in the collection of Contemporary Art Museum of Latvia